Facebook and Twitter
The importance of Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube has never been clearer when it comes to your online reputation. Social media is a big part of our daily life. Whether you are a business person, company, or an individual simply using sites like Facebook and Twitter to communicate with friends, slanderous and or negative content on these sites can dramatically hurt your online reputation. There are many reasons for this.
Google and Social Media
First, google rankings social media sites very high in its algorithms. This means that if someone types in your name in a Facebook post, it is likely to appear on the first page of search results under your name. Even if the account is created by someone with a different name. Secondly, many people use sites like Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Youtube, to search for other people on those sites. This means that anything with your name or keyword will appear in the results.
Slander and Your Career
There are many stories online where young people and business professionals are routinely slandered on social media sites. Sometimes by competitors or even by former acquaintances. Removal Media team provides a unique element of social media online reputation management in each of its campaigns. Your online reputation is everything when it comes to how you are perceived personally and professionally online. A bad review or negative word about you can prevent you from living a fulfilled personal life and can cost your business greatly.
Restore your Good Name
We have worked with major celebrities, small businesses, and large corporations who have been attacked by a range of people, from competitors to angry employees and former spouses. Our Social Media approach to improving your reputation. Also, removing negative content creates a new lease on life that helps you restore your good name. Your online reputation is priceless and our team of writers and programmers is skilled at creating the best possible picture for your profile.