Removal Media Introduces a New Way to Permanently Remove Negative Reviews.

Removing damaging internet content

Removal Media is an internet reputation management firm that is introducing a new service, Removal™. Removing damaging internet content for a reasonable, fixed price with a money-back guarantee.

Negative internet content is extremely harmful to one’s professional and any Business. Without actually removing it, it’s still there for anyone to find. While most companies charge tens of thousands of dollars to suppress the damaging content by creating new “good” content, it doesn’t help. The reason it doesn’t help is that once someone goes past page one or two, the Negative content is still there.

With RemovalMedia, the Negative content is permanently removed. Until Removal, the only way to actually remove Negative content was through costly and lengthy litigation that takes years to resolve.

“With an incredibly experienced team of a lawyer, strategists, and PR specialists, we have a 100 percent success rate. We are extremely confident in our work – that’s why we offer a full money-back guarantee.

The team at Removal Media works quickly and efficiently as they know that every day is another day that a client is being damaged, harming their career, and losing money with negative content.

Here is an example—-“A disgruntled Client posted all kinds of unsavory reviews about a prominent Lawyer, and it was really hurting his Law Firm. After wasting almost a year and spending $30,000 with a reputation management firm, the reviews were still visible on Google. The desperate Lawyer contacted our firm to see what we could do. Our team created a plan of action and within 4 weeks all the negative reviews were completely gone – and our bill was less than half the price!”